SMB2 protocol support for Windows File Service - SMB 2 protocol has general improvements to allow for better network utilization. The chart below is the comparison between DSM 4.1 and DSM 4.2. Volume Creation and Expansion Enhancements: The speed of volume creation and resizing have been improved up to 14 and 85 times. For example, S.M.A.R.T.tests can be scheduled to run monthly or automatically test all of the disks in your DiskStation. tests according to your individual schedule. Test Scheduler - You can now perform S.M.A.R.T. Global Hot Spare Disks - Hard disks can now be designated as hot spare disks, which can repair degraded volumes/Disk Groups/iSCSI LUNs by automatically replacing a failed disk. LUN Snapshots - This feature allows you to back up and restore multiple versions of LUNs on your DiskStation with minimal impact on performance.