
Sports schedule creator
Sports schedule creator

sports schedule creator


This Round Robin Tournament Generator Tool has been the greatest help, and saved me an enormous amount of time. I was thrown into a void and expected to do everything with no help and little time, since I work 15 hours a day. After skimming through numerous sites, I found yours and all I can say is thanks. The second tournament now has ten teams and there is no way I could manage that. I set up a spreadsheet for the first tournament, which was 6 teams and it took me a day to sort out. I just set up a charity soccer league here in Dublin. Thanks guys! Fantastic generator! I am using it for my Project Management course. It helps me set up my monthly round robin league played across the state of Ohio. I found this site about a year ago and its been a great help with my leagues. Thanks for this great tool, I have a great tournament! The round robin generator is a huge help. Thanks for the suggestion, we have now added a donations page. My Best to you and yours! And, Thank you again for your kindness and willingness to make yourselves available to help in the form of your web site. Again, it's not much, but those little amounts would add up. I would have sent $10 tonight if that option was available. I am suggesting this because of how helpful it was to me. But, I just have to guess that it would be profitable for you. And the ones that do might send a small amount. As soon as I realized how easy it was to use your web site, and what it did for me, I went back to your site looking for a way to send a little something.


I've seen other free programs on line with that option. The reason for my note is to suggest you open a pay pal account and allow folks to make donations. My latest adventure is scheduling Round Robin Pool Competitions (league format) and you have removed the scheduling difficulties! Thank you from my heart for your web site that generates team schedules. I needed a round robin for 22 teams and you came through like a champ! Wow! I wish I had thought of the computer before spending three hours on a schedule. Thank you, Teamopolis made our life a lot easier. I have had to schedule a tournament for field hockey children and this worked amazingly well. What Others are Saying about our Round Robin Generator

Sports schedule creator