#Monster strike series#
Monster Strike is a decent anime series that plays as any adaption of a popular social digital game. The humour was entertaining when it went meta on the first episodes, but it disappeared afterwards. When it the focus was on the humans, only some supporting characters could hold entertainment to some degree. When the focus was on the monster, it was entertaining. The villains are mostly generic as they come. The monster cast is more interesting and they are probably the reason why you come back to this show. Or in other word, a character that is likely to piss off old anime fans. Minami is the equivalent of the 90s kid who kept shooting out catch phrases and pop culture references in any chance she got. The only one that I could think up that does not fit in either side is Minami. Those character that starts interesting lose their touch and those who did not becomes at least entertaining. Maybe it’s because I’m too fond of the original. The cover of Queen’s We Will Rock You is not my favourite. The Ending theme is decent, but it’s every rock ending theme you heard. The voice actors have done a decent job and try to make the character sound less inspired that they already are. The audio department has only two aspects that remotely stands out: The voice actors and ending theme. However, it does not go far than that and the animation only peaks in fights that does not last long. to the design and style, it does render 3D models better than other monster based show with CGI like Berserk. The design and art style is very similar to the game, which can go from decent to great design. Even by ignoring this, the anime does not represent the game well and gives out false impressions of some mechanics. Seeing them play it safe and take the most standard can be rather insulting. This may not be as disappointing if you came to this anime through the original game, which had a very flexible premise that could lead to many different designing principles.

The story is not interesting and almost looks like less inspired version of other pocket monsters game anime in that genre.